Póngase en contacto con su proveedor de Internet. De lo contrario, esto tiene algún problema con su Internet en el fondo. Intente desconectar su enrutador por un minuto y luego volver a conectarlo. Busque guías específicas para su proveedor de Internet ya que cada una es diferente. Desactívalo mientras juegas.ĭe lo contrario, este es un problema de conectividad con su internet. El uso de VPN no esta permitido en la red Mineplex. Si eso no funciona,Īsegurese de no tener una VPN habilitada, ya sea integrada en su antivirus o externa. Use primero, si eso no funciona, intente agregarnos. Puedo proporcionar muchas soluciones diferentes, sin embargo, tengo que descartar los otros problemas.Įn primer lugar, recomiendo asegurarse de que esta utilizando la IP correcta. Lamento escuchar que esta recibiendo este problema. Otherwise, this has some issue with your internet deep inside of it. Try unplugging your router for one minute and then plugging it back up. Look up specific guides for your internet provider as each internet is different. Otherwise, this is a connectivity issue with your internet. VPN usage is not allowed on the Mineplex network.

Make sure you don’t have a VPN enabled, whether it is built into your antivirus or external. Use first, if that doesn’t work, attempt to add us. I can provide many different solutions, however, I have to rule out the other problems.įirstly, I recommend ensuring you are using the correct IP. Pokud chce hrát na klasických MC Titan Lobby serverech, tak si stáhni normálního 1.14 klienta nalevo níe.

Sorry to hear you're receiving this issue. Hlavní stránka Fórum > MC Titan Portál > Portálové informace > Info sekce > Jak se pipojit > Vyber si druh klienta.
There is also a chance that you are using a VPN, these were blocked in the recent update you can read about that here: English You will be able to change this version in the launcher (see /customer/portal/articles/1475923-changing-game-versions). If the issues still remain on java, you might be using a version of minecraft that isn't supported here at mineplex yet. If you are playing on bedrock edition you won't have to use a server address you can just click the mineplex button from the official server list. Just make sure you are using the right server address, for java the two main ones should be: eu. and us. También existe la posibilidad de que esté utilizando una VPN Estos fueron bloqueados en la actualización reciente que puede leer aquí: English: Puede cambiar esta versión en el launcher (consulte /customer/portal/articles/1475923-changing-game-versions). Si los problemas aún permanecen en java, es posible que esté utilizando una versión de Minecraft que aún no se admite aquí en mineplex. Si está jugando en la edición de lecho de roca, no tendrá que usar una dirección de servidor, puede simplemente hacer clic en el botón Mineplex de la lista de servidores oficiales. If that’s your thing.Solo asegúrese de estar usando la dirección de servidor correcta, para java las dos principales deben ser: eu. y us. Get Minecraft without our handy installer. With the Launcher Beta you will automatically receive and experience the latest juicy Launcher updates we are planning to make during the coming year. You are also welcome to share your thoughts on our Feedback site. You can report any bugs you find here, please make sure to choose the ‘Beta (1.2.#-beta)’ version in the drop down when creating the bug report. However, we would love for you to try it out and give us feedback if anything is not working. This means we’ve made a lot of changes that you can’t see, and hopefully you shouldn’t notice any difference in the functionality either – for now!
In this beta release we have looked under the hood of the Launcher to tidy up and structure the code so it can support bigger changes in the future. The Launcher app is currently a starting point for playing Minecraft: Java Edition, but we envision a future where it will become so much more! It’ll be the home for our future games within the Minecraft universe, and therefore we’ve started the journey of rethinking how the Launcher will work and look.

We’re releasing a new Minecraft Launcher beta that we want you to try out! So what changes can you expect in this beta? Hopefully none!Īt least none yet.